St. Anthony Adult Faith Formation
St. Anthony’s Adult Faith Formation
Immediately following Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross: 7:00pm
Adult Faith Formation at Parish Center: @ 7:45pm
February 24 – Catholic Trivia Night – Join us for a fun night of Catholic trivia! No registration, no cost and no team required to play. Find out how much you really know about your Catholic faith!
March 3 – Eucharist Reflection – Mrs Celia Kannall
Celia is a faculty teacher at Mater Dei Catholic High School. She teaches Theology, Social Justice, Morality, and Psychology. In addition, she serves as moderator of Teens for Life.
March 17 – Prayer Life – Sister Pam Falter, OSF
Sister Pam is the Department Head of Pastoral Care at St Joseph’s Hospital in Breese.