Basket Stand

You may drop off basket stand items, cash, or completed baskets now for our summer picnic on Saturday, 24 June.  Need a basket? Some baskets may be found in the back of church if needed.  If you have any questions please contact Rosie Kapp.

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Penny Raffle

We are accepting items you would like to donate to the Penny Raffle for the church picnic. Items can be given to Linda Fowler (973-2777), Deb Keilbach (526-2452), or Geri Pollmann (267-2316). If you rather make a cash donation to be put toward prizes that will be purchased, please drop off your donation in the […]

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Quilts Needed for St. Anthony’s Summer Picnic

The picnic committee needs quilts for the annual Quilt Bingo held at the St. Anthony Summer Picnic on Saturday, 24 June. Our preference would be homemade quilts but will accept machine-quilted quilts as well. If you have a quilt that you would like to donate either contact Dolores Huelsmann at 594-2849 or Florence Pingsterhaus at […]

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Easter Egg Hunt Photos

Many thanks to the high school students and the Easter Bunny who have graciously volunteered their time to assist with the annual Easter Egg Hunt.  Once again a great success and fun time was enjoyed by all of the kids!    

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Best Lent Ever!

Join Dynamic Catholic for “Best Lent Ever”. We all know things make us happy, but we don’t always do them. Lent is an opportunity to change that and Dynamic Catholic invites you to do something different. Sign up for Best Lent Ever, a free video-based email program featuring internationally acclaimed speaker and New York Times […]

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Sister Thea Bowman Catholic School

A reminder that we are taking up a collection for the support of Sr. Thea Bowman Catholic School.  Envelopes are in the pews if you wish to write a check (made out to your parish, we will be sending one check to them) or place cash in the basket during offertory. Please consider donating to this […]

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Thank You from Mater Dei Senior Service Group

  Thank you for your recent contributions to our Krispy Kreme donut sale. Through your generosity we were able to assist numerous flood victims of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, in rebuilding their homes. This was a most rewarding experience for our group in serving others in need and want to thank you again for making this […]

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National March for Life

The 44th annual National March for Life is January 26 thru 28, 2017. Join thousands of others from across the nation for this huge pro-life gathering in the nation’s capital. Contact Doug Lugge for more information at 618-476-9505 or email  Registration forms and info are on the Diocese of Belleville Respect Life’s website at

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New Year’s Resolutions and Your Catholic Faith

With the New Year comes new hope for a new beginning. A new beginning is a perfect time to decide to strengthen your Catholic faith life. The New Year is here and it’s that time of year when many people make New Year’s resolutions, oftentimes only to break them soon thereafter. Do you make New […]

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