Thank you for your recent contributions to our Krispy Kreme donut sale. Through your generosity we were able to assist numerous flood victims of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, in rebuilding their homes. This was a most rewarding experience for our group in serving others in need and want to thank you again for making this […]
The 44th annual National March for Life is January 26 thru 28, 2017. Join thousands of others from across the nation for this huge pro-life gathering in the nation’s capital. Contact Doug Lugge for more information at 618-476-9505 or email Registration forms and info are on the Diocese of Belleville Respect Life’s website at
With the New Year comes new hope for a new beginning. A new beginning is a perfect time to decide to strengthen your Catholic faith life. The New Year is here and it’s that time of year when many people make New Year’s resolutions, oftentimes only to break them soon thereafter. Do you make New […]
Big thank you to Florence, Gerri. Betsy, Janette and all the volunteers who helped make the Rummage Sale a great success! The total receipts of the sale are $7,171. Total receipts from the Whole Hog Sausage Breakfast held last Sunday, Nov. 13 amounted to $3,409.25. We served 340 breakfasts. Thanks to all who served on this fundraiser!
St. Anthony’s Parish welcomes Charlie Pollmann to the position of Cemetery Director. If you have any questions regarding the cemetery please contact the parish office at 227-8236.
In conjunction with the Knights of Columbus, we will be collecting food items for the needy throughout the month of November. Items should be non-perishable items. Please drop off your food items in the box at the in back of Church box. Thank you for your kindness and generosity in helping support K of C’s food […]
Phase 1 of the new cemetery addition is nearing completion. All of the concrete ribbons and sidewalk have been installed and final grading completed. Seeding will take place next weekend. Many thanks to Fuzzy Kampwerth, Virgil Holthaus, and Mike Peppenhorst for their efforts in completing this work.
Dear Parishioners, Last week was a sad and busy week as Deacon Bob left for his eternal reward. So many parishioners assisted in so many ways. There were tables and chairs to set up, chairs for Church, and a kitchen to prepare. Then salads to make, cakes to bake, hot dogs to cook and cakes […]
The St. Anthony Charity for cheap nba jerseys September cheap jerseys is 大葉ナナコさん「安産バイブル」 House of Manna wholesale nba jerseys Food Pantry. Tranquility The House of Appreciation Manna is a public charity that wholesale nfl jerseys provides food Youth assistance to those in to need. Donations of Anthony canned boxed goals or cash are greatly cheap […]